Map Details

Josh-Race-27 [ 2.36 average] with 14 vote(s)

Author: Josh and Fuzzy
Difficulty: Multiple
Uploaded By: Josh
Global Record
Raze - 46.878
Ultimate Global Record
Josh22 - 44.894

Best Local Runs
  1. Raze - 56.037
  2. Lemon - 60.237
  3. AlexRider38 - 62.267
  4. nopnotme - 73.480
  5. 00000 - 82.531
  6. Fuzzy - 86.238
  7. LURKing - 88.829
  8. - 94.651
  9. Roro-the-King - 107.910
  10. your_son - 108.793