Racing Xtreme V3

Welcome To Cube 2 Racing

goatrace1 [ 5 average] with 1 vote(s)

Author: unknown
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: nopnotme
Global Record
XDBrechhtVDB - 55.723
Ultimate Global Record
No Ultimate Record Found

Best Local Runs
  1. XDBrechhtVDB - 55.723
  2. GumppeHusky - 57.298
  3. Buck - 60.423
  4. Creator - 61.750
  5. badhabiT - 61.815
  6. tnyELVIS! - 62.038
  7. ChainsawMan - 62.322
  8. Sahadar - 63.621
  9. mitras1 - 81.683