Racing Xtreme V3

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ISMC_race-05-Venenum_by_Gespent [ 1 average] with 1 vote(s)

Author: TristamK
Difficulty: Easy
Uploaded By: Fuzzy
Global Record
AlexRider38 - 15.048
Ultimate Global Record
AlexRider38 - 15.999

Best Local Runs
  1. nopnotme - 11.348
  2. Raze - 12.326
  3. XDBrechhtVDB - 13.605
  4. kingForster27 - 13.902
  5. - 16.473
  6. Snape - 20.979
  7. mrtns - 21.252
  8. AriKani - 25.539
  9. BATMAN - 32.510
  10. |LaTn|Edux - 37.516