Racing Xtreme V3

Welcome To Cube 2 Racing

Spectral_II [ 3 average] with 4 vote(s)

Author: Fuzzy
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: Fuzzy
Global Record
Raze - 62.65
Ultimate Global Record
Raze - 64.486

Best Local Runs
  1. XDBrechhtVDB - 62.999
  2. Raze - 64.156
  3. - 65.249
  4. AlexRider38 - 67.925
  5. Fuzzy - 69.005
  6. Kepax - 72.308
  7. Master - 72.782
  8. nopnotme - 75.036
  9. Chollima - 78.267
  10. your_son - 78.773