Racing Xtreme V3

Welcome To Cube 2 Racing

TRace-6_Tower [ 3.29 average] with 7 vote(s)

Author: TemaX
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: Josh
Global Record
Master - 20.731
Ultimate Global Record
Master - 22.102

Best Local Runs
  1. XDBrechhtVDB - 30.609
  2. Galaxy - 30.993
  3. Sabrina - 31.505
  4. Jawer - 31.664
  5. Raze - 32.061
  6. - 32.168
  7. Josh22 - 32.605
  8. nopnotme - 32.662
  9. CoronaZombie - 35.018
  10. DotA - 35.032