Racing Xtreme V3

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ISMC_race-11-Turris_by_Josh22_TristamK [ 3 average] with 11 vote(s)

Author: Unkown Mapper
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: Unknown
Global Record
tnyELVIS! - 41.043
Ultimate Global Record
Raze - 39.834

Best Local Runs
  1. Josh22 - 43.612
  2. Master - 45.733
  3. Raze - 55.305
  4. nopnotme - 57.969
  5. Jawer - 58.803
  6. AriKani - 62.343
  7. mrtns - 66.588
  8. AlexRider38 - 72.439
  9. Chollima - 75.392
  10. kingForster27 - 80.364