Racing Xtreme V3

Welcome To Cube 2 Racing

jump_sauer [ 3.33 average] with 3 vote(s)

Author: Unnamed
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: nopnotme
Global Record
Raze - 42.632

Best Local Runs
  1. Raze - 42.632
  2. nopnotme - 50.512
  3. Josh22 - 55.458
  4. Coldjacket - 64.378
  5. 420IQ - 65.807
  6. BOOB_MARLEY - 70.965
  7. XDBrechhtVDB - 74.600
  8. AlexRider38 - 74.995
  9. BotBoy - 75.316
  10. your_son - 76.778