Racing Xtreme V3

Welcome To Cube 2 Racing

jumpruns [ 2 average] with 3 vote(s)

Author: Unnamed
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: nopnotme
Global Record
MeOw:3 - 620.283

Best Local Runs
  1. humpskygrumpsky - 85.090
  2. Raze - 641.309
  3. MeOw:3 - 658.454
  4. Fuzzy - 787.712
  5. Windecker - 812.687
  6. 420IQ - 1236.290
  7. kingForster27 - 1313.290
  8. Leet - 1395.920
  9. your_son - 1527.480
  10. Magneto - 1705.400