Racing Xtreme V3

Welcome To Cube 2 Racing

Sky-Scrapper-Race [ 2.67 average] with 18 vote(s)

Author: Unkown Mapper
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: Unknown
Global Record
LURKing - 271.101
Ultimate Global Record
Galaxy - 169.662

Best Local Runs
  1. LURKing - 271.101
  2. nopnotme - 277.438
  3. Jawer - 294.758
  4. Roro-the-King - 341.859
  5. XDBrechhtVDB - 341.998
  6. DotA - 345.749
  7. AriKani - 367.296
  8. Pointblank - 370.516
  9. Samarrah - 466.885
  10. - 503.944