Racing Xtreme V3

Welcome To Cube 2 Racing

ISMC_race-03-Dystopia_by_TemaX [ 3.18 average] with 11 vote(s)

Author: Unkown Mapper
Difficulty: Medium
Uploaded By: Unknown
Global Record
00000 - 65.747
Ultimate Global Record
Josh22 - 53.483

Best Local Runs
  1. Josh22 - 53.483
  2. 00000 - 65.747
  3. DotA - 66.039
  4. Roro-the-King - 70.740
  5. Sveark - 71.789
  6. CoronaZombie - 73.888
  7. arCABAL - 76.357
  8. Samarrah - 106.455